Hieratic Synopsis
New function in the grapheme catalogue

Great news! In these past days, Papersesh has developed a new function in the graphemes research module: the Hieratic synopsis.
For each hieroglyph, we isolated all its Hieratic forms which are contained in two "old-but-gold" handbooks of Hieratic paleography: Georg Moeller and Simeone Levi's handbooks. As is known, whoever wants to learn Hieratic must be familiar with at least one of these two works, which are of paramount importance in this particular branch of Egyptology.
Unfortunately, their sign coding systems differ from one another and both differ from the Gardiner one. As a consequence, till yesterday, every time a student had to look for the Hieratic form of a sign in one of these handbooks, he needed to remember the correspondence between its Gardiner-code and its Moeller-code or Levi-code.
Now, if you use Papersesh, you won't face this problem anymore: just to look for the Hieroglyph on Papersesh, and you will find the Hieratic synopsis just under the Hieroglyphic font character, where you will read "Hieratic synopsis" along with the names "Levi" and "Moeller". Once clicked on the handbook synopsis of your interest, Papersesh will show you a picture of all the Hieratic forms of that sign which are contained in the selected handbook.
Don't forget that, if you subscribe a free account on Papersesh, you'll be able browse our photographic Thesaurus too, which allows you to visualize not only the single sign forms, but also the entire words which contain it with transliteration and trilingual translation of its co-text, thanks to which you will be able to check the many possible ways a sign is joint with other signs in a word. This will considerably improve your skills in recognizing signs, reading words and understanding sentences at first glance from both Hieroglyphic and Hieratic sources.