
Grapheme D3


Category D (Parts of the human body)
Reading Sny | skm | jwn | jnm | wS | jAkb | XAr.t
Modulation B1 (2 quarters in row)
Character x
Font Glyph Basic 1 ⇩

Determinativo di chioma (e suoi danni) e pelle/natura (e suoi danni): <Snw>, "capelli"; <jwn>, aouan, aban, "pelle", "colore", "carnagione", "natura", <jnm>, anom, "pelle", <jAkb>, wkem, qual. okem, "essere in lutto".
Determinative of hair and its damages; skin and nature with their damages: <Snw>, "hair"; <jwn>, "skin", "color", "complexion", "nature", <jnm>, "skin", <jAkb>, "to grieve".
Determinativum comae eiusque damnorum, pellis naturaeque eorumque damnorum: <Snw>, "capilli"; <jwn>, "pellis", "color", "pellis color", "natura", <jnm>, "pellis", <jAkb>, "lugere".