
Grapheme F28


Category F (Parts of mammals)
Reading sAb | Ab
Modulation B2 (2 quarters in column)
Character ?
Font Glyph Basic 2 ⇩

Ideogramma dell'aggettivo <sAb>, "variopinto", nell'epiteto dello Horus solare <sAb-Sw.t>, "quello dalle penne variopinte"; talvolta fonogramma /Ab/ al posto di U23 in <AbDw>, Abwt, Sah. Ebwt, "Abido".
Ideo. <sAb>, "variegated", in the epithet of the solar Horus <sAb-Sw.t>, "that with variegated feathers"; sometimes phon. /Ab/ instead of U23 in <AbDw>, "Abydos".
Ideogramma adiectivi <sAb>, "varius", in epitheto Hori solaris <sAb-Sw.t>, "varius plumas"; aliquando phonogramma /Ab/ pro U23 in <AbDw>, "Abydus".