Grapheme M15


Category M (Trees and plants)
Reading tA-mHy | mH
Modulation B2 (2 quarters in column)
Font Glyph Basic 2 ⇩

Det. <tA-mHy>, "Basso Egitto" e concetti correlati; det. papiro e di zone umide in generale; fon. /mH/ in <mHs>, "corona del Basso Egitto".
Det. <tA-mHy>, "Lower Egypt" and related words; det. papyrus and watery regions in general; phon. /mH/ in <mHs>, "crown of Lower Egypt".
Det. <tA-mHy>, "Aegyptus Citerior" resque cum ea conexas; det. papyrum paludesque quascumque; phon. /mH/ in <mHs>, "corona Aegypti Inferioris".